Harmon Brothers
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You're about to make one of the best investments in your business—and yourself—that you'll ever make.

Gain access to the formulas, processes, tips and tricks—the insider knowledge—that Harmon Brothers have spent over 10 years perfecting, and that will enable you to create highly effective videos that sell.
Limited Time Black Friday Offer $327 $297
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Here’s What You’re Going to Get
  • Lifetime access to our How To Make Your Ads Funny Training Course ($297 Value)
  • Full access to the Harmon Brothers University Facebook Group for personalized braintrust feedback on your content (Value = Priceless - Probably the most supportive group on Facebook. The majority of students in the group have taken Write Ads That Sell, our course that sells for $2,999+ and they're actively exchanging feedback on hooks, offers, scripts, videos, etc.)
  • Over 70 digestible videos that will explain and breakdown comedic tools you can use to write, direct, and edit funny ads. ($297 Value)
  •  3 actionable workbooks with exercises for strengthening your comedy chops in the writing, filming, and editing phases of your ad. ($99 Value)
  • FREE BONUS: 500 page joke bank that classifies jokes into 70+ categories from our lead writer, Dave Vance, who is responsible for some of our most funny (and famous) ads - Squatty Potty, FiberFix, Purple. (Value - never before released, not available for purchase anywhere else) 
  • FREE BONUS: Video Strategy In A Day Course (Not for sale anywhere else) - You'll learn what to test, when to test, and how to plan and organize your entire video strategy in a single day so that you never have to guess how you should be using video to scale your business.
  • FREE BONUS: From Poop to Gold Audiobook ($29 Value) - Go behind our most famous ad campaigns to learn the "Three C's" - how they will increase the creativity inside your company to help your business and brand reach new heights.
Total Value $407
Your Investment Only: $327 $297
Harmon Brothers University
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